Last week, my husband cut out the countertop so we could put the sink back in. Wonder why it was ever taken out?
Ethel & Lucy...yes, we're a bit trailer trashy here, but I love it! |
We hooked the sink up to the tank and the tank up to a hose and turned it all on. "It's leaking!" yelled my son. Great...we turned it all off, and after some maneuvering and fighting, we found that the holding tank had a huge rusted out hole in the bottom of it. So I decided I didn't even want to bother with a tank anyway. So now we just have a direct hook up to a hose - not stupid tank! Another plus to that is we now have more storage space under the sofa/bed!
The only thing I have painted in Lucy is the half wall of the dinette. Pale yellow. It helps to brighten her up a bit inside and looks damn good with that sign hanging on it!
I bought a black fitted sheet to put on the upper bunk and threw my homemade pillows up. I'm almost done with the cushion covers on the couch...just need to put velcro strips on the end on each one so I can pull the cushions out if I ever need to. I don't do zippers well.
I think she's starting to look damn sharp!
I bought a red cutting board to place over the sink for extra coutertop space when needed.
Last night we went to Home Depot and ordered new vct tile. I HATE that they have no actual samples to see! I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the colors look right when we finally get them.
Maraschino Cherry
Buttercream Yellow
Then later, I ordered 2 yards of this vinyl fabric for the dinette cushions:
Yeah...fake gator skin. Thinking about black vinyl for the bottom dinette cushions and this for the seat backs. We ordered foam which should arrive today. I think making these cushions will be super easy. (famous last words...?)
I'm also contemplating the lighting as the old, original fixtures are rusty, beat up and just plain crappy looking.
Also need to work on curtains...thinking about using a black flat sheet for them (and also for Ethel).
Ah, still so much to do, but as least now I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!